Filed in Gallery Updates

Mary Featured in New Magazines– In Style and Us Weekly!

Mary is featured in a couple of new magazines this month including Us Weekly in a “Who Wore it Better?” section and in the April 2012 issue of InStyle magazine. Be sure to check out the new scans in the gallery. Major thanks to kroqjock for the InStyle scan 🙂

Edit: Two new scans of Mary in the US Weekly magazine have been added to the gallery. Thanks to Stacie for the new pics!



Filed in Smashed

Nick Offerman Wants Mary Elizabeth to Win an Award for Smashed

Collider caught up with Parks and Recreation and Mary’s co-star in Smashed Nick Offerman, where he briefly talked about Smashed and believes that Mary should win some awards for her portrayal in the film:

 I’ve seen both your next films, 21 Jump Street and Smashed. You’re great in both of them, talk a little bit about getting these fun roles in these kinds of movies.

I saw the premiere of Smashed at Sundance and my wife and I were just absolutely verklempt when the lights came up. We were so moved to be in such a good film. I think James Ponsoldt did such an amazing job and Mary Elizabeth Winstead, if she doesn’t win a trophy of some sort for her performance I will eat my hat. I’ll s*** in my hat and then I’ll eat it. You can hold me to that.

Guess Nick is one of the many people who’ve seen the film and thinks Mary should win an award. I see an Oscar in Mary’s future.

Filed in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Interviews Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Smashed The Thing

New Interview of Mary in the Sydney Morning Herald

The Sydney Morning Herald has released a new interview with Mary where they talk about her career including questions about The Thing, Scott Pilgrim, AL:VH, Smashed and doing theatre. You can read the full interview at the link above, but below are some of the questions asked about ALVH and future projects:

You’ve just finished shooting another film, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. What can you tell us about it?

It’s the story of Abraham Lincoln, the historically accurate story of his life from childhood up through the Civil War and the assassination. But it weaves in this completely fictional account of the vampires and this underworld that existed during this time and basically tells the untold story of Abraham Lincoln, that he was not only a presidential candidate and great president, but also a bad-ass vampire hunter and killer.

And you’re also appearing in Smashed, which is getting early awards talk.

I’ve been hearing those kind of things. I of course would never expect those kind of things, because if you expect those kind of things you’re building it up for disappointment. Just the fact that anyone’s even mentioned that it could possibly be part of awards season is incredible in and of itself. And just the wonderful things the critics at Sundance said, even if it ended there I would be so happy. I’m really happy that people responded well to it.

So are you sticking to smaller stuff?

Just for a little while. It feels like the right thing. I want to keep doing that for the time being. There’s a couple of films that I’m about to sign on to, or things are close, that are both very small independent type movies. I think at a certain point I’ll be ready to step back into a big studio film, but right now I’m just having fun sticking to the smaller fare.

Filed in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Movies News and Rumors

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Heading to WonderCon 2012

It has been announced that a panel for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter will be heading to WonderCon 2012 in Anaheim, CA. The event takes place March 16-18. Here’s the info that’s been released:

20th Century Fox: Prometheus and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter…in 3D— 20th Century Fox and WonderCon attendees have two big reasons to celebrate the year’s event. You’ll also meet this country’s 16th president and first superhero — Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, which explores the secret life of our greatest leader, and the untold story that shaped our nation. The filmmakers will screen special footage, which presents the visionary work of producer Tim Burton and director Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted), who bring a fresh and visceral voice to the classic portrayal of the bloodthirsty vampire, while imagining Lincoln as history’s greatest hunter of the undead. Ballroom, Third Level.

No word yet on who’s actually attending (likely director Timur is going). Cast wise I’m not sure, but when more info. is released, I’ll be sure to update you guys. ALVH’s panel will be on St. Patrick’s Day and take place from 1:15-2:15 pm.

Filed in Gallery Updates

New Make It Happen DVD Caps and Candid Photo

Melanie got the Make it Happen DVD a couple of days ago, and has managed to add screencaps from several of the extras on the DVD including the gag reel, extended scenes, the DVD photo gallery and one of the interviews featured in the film. All the pics are now in the gallery.

Also, be sure to check out a new candid shot of Mary shopping at The Grove in L.A. yesterday.


Make it Happen DVD Extended Scenes:

Make it Happen DVD- Gag Reel:

Filed in Movies Smashed

Sony Pictures Classics Acquires Worldwide Rights to Smashed!

Ah! This is such great news! It’s been confirmed that Sony Pictures Classics has acquired the worldwide rights to Mary’s Sundance film Smashed. Here’s the full announcement:

Sony Pictures Classics announced today that they have acquired all worldwide rights to SMASHED. The film, directed by James Ponsoldt (OFF THE BLACK), is produced by Jonathan Schwartz (Like Crazy) and Andrea Sperling (Like Crazy) of Super Crispy Entertainment, who were honored at Sundance this year with a Special Jury Prize for Excellence in Independent Film Producing, as well as Jennifer Cochis. The film is executive produced by Audrey and Zygi Wilf. SPC previously worked with Sperling on the 2005 feature, THE QUIET.

SMASHED premiered at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival to positive reviews and stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead (SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD), Emmy Award® winner Aaron Paul (BREAKING BAD), Academy Award® winner Octavia Spencer (THE HELP), Nick Offerman (PARKS & RECREATION), Emmy Award® winner Megan Mullally (WILL & GRACE) and Emmy Award® winner Mary Kay Place (BIG LOVE; MARY HARTMAN, MARY HARTMAN).

In SMASHED, Kate and Charlie like to have a good time. Their marriage thrives on a shared fondness for music, laughter . . . and getting smashed. When Kate’s partying spirals into hard-core asocial behavior, compromising her job as an elementary schoolteacher, something’s got to give. But change isn’t exactly a cakewalk. Sobriety means she will have to confront the lies she’s been spinning at work, her troubling relationship with her mother, and the nature of her bond with Charlie.

“This is quite a remarkable and rare human drama, achieved through superb filmmaking by director James Ponsoldt and his entire cast, especially Mary Elizabeth Winstead, who gives one of the finest performances of the year. We are so pleased to be able to bring this film to audiences all over the world and to be working with producers Jonathan Schwartz and Andrea Sperling as well as our friends at UTA.” states Sony Pictures Classics.

Adds Producer Jonathan Schwartz, “We are all are thrilled to be working with Sony Pictures Classics on the release of SMASHED. We are in love this movie, and could think of no better home for the film than with Michael and Tom. Their track record speaks for itself. “

When release dates get announced, I’ll be sure to post them on the site. Stay tuned! 🙂

Filed in Movies

Help Support Riley and Mary’s New Film THE CUB

Mary and Riley are at it again in the hopes of bringing us a new film, but this time they need YOUR help! Head on over to the Kickstarter page and pledge whatever amount of money you want to help bring their next project to life. All the info is listed on the page. Depending on your pledge amount, you’ll get thank you’s on the film credits or signed scripts from both Mary and Riley. If you have lots of extra money laying around, there’s also a chance to attend the premiere or one of the screenings with them. Here’s how some of the film is described:

THE CUB is a comedy about a little used but highly effective parenting technique that guarantees a lifetime of happiness and success for your child most likely at the expense of others.

I can’t really say too much about the actual plot of the film without giving anything away but I can tell you it’s funny, weird, absurd, and scary… sort of a strange hybrid of my two shorts CASQUE and MAGNIFICAT.

  Below, is the video posted on the site, where they seemed to have technical difficulties.

Mary will not be on camera, but will instead be executive producing this time around with Riley. The purpose of this Kickstarter campaign is to help offset the cost of producing the film. Filming will begin in Los Angeles, CA in late March or early April and will be submitted to festivals.

Filed in Movies Smashed

New Smashed Interview of Mary and Aaron During Sundance

Even though all the Sundance hype is over, seems one interview was just released over on Movie City News featuring Mary and her co-star, Breaking Bad‘s Aaron Paul. The interview is pretty lengthy. A little over 20 minutes, but lots of questions were asked so it’s worth watching if you have some time to kill and want to know more about the film and the bond Mary and Aaron had during the course of filming.
