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New ‘Rich Flu’ Updates

Some new updates for everyone with Rich Flu! First, I have added some new posters that recently came out with Mary including a new character poster. I have added them into the gallery.

Secondly, a couple of behind the scenes photos of Mary on set while filming last year have also been released. Click on any of the thumbnails to view the full set!

Third, a brand new behind the scenes video/on set interview was also released and I’ve embedded the video below. As a reminder that as of now, the film currently has a release date of January 24th in Spain. When other release dates are announced, I will let everyone know.


Lastly, Rich Flu director Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia gave a new interview leading up to this Friday’s (Spain) premiere, and this is what he had to say about working with Mary on the film:

“I must be the luckiest director in the world, because all the actors and actresses I’ve worked with have been truly wonderful. Working with Mary Elizabeth Winstead has been an honour. She’s an excellent actress and she shows enormous commitment to any character she plays. And not just to the character, but to the film as well.


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