Filed in Interviews Kate

Recent “KATE” Interviews

After posting some of the more recent video interviews Mary did to promote Netflix’s “KATE”, below are some of the interviews she did with several outlets. The first one is with GQ. As always, click the links to read the FULL interviews:

You’ve worked with Bruce Willis, Kurt Russell, and Will Smith, who are all in the American Action Hero Mt. Rushmore. I’ve heard people talk about the American action star being extinct, but I think it’s because people haven’t realized that the American action star is a woman now. What’s gained when the lead in an action film is a woman?

You know, that’s an interesting idea. It does feel like that right now, like there is a heavy presence of women leading action films, which is amazing, considering that that was never the case before.

After years and years and years of wanting to be the Bruce Willis — rather than Bruce Willis’s daughter, as much as I loved that — and it feels like that’s now within reach. Ten years ago, it didn’t feel like it was. I don’t know how true that statement is going to be in the long run. But my hope is that you’re right. I’m game for it.
You’ve carved out an impressive niche in action and horror genre films, but is there any part of you that wants to take an Oscars swing?

I mean, anytime people love what you do enough to give you some sort of accolade is amazing, but I hate the idea of calculating it that way. Like, I would never think of something as, ‘Oh, this is my chance to try to get an award.’ If I got the chance to work with a renowned filmmaker who makes films of that caliber, that would be incredibly exciting. But I mean, if not, then cool. I’m okay either way.

Mary also participated in a roundtable event with Men’s Health that featured Karen Gillian and Shang-Chi’s Meng’er Zhang.
Mary on if she ever thought she’d be working on action after shooting films such as BIRDS OF PREY and KATE:

I initially just wanted to be an actor, and I don’t think that the question of what genre of film I wanted to go into ever really played in my mind. I started as a kid, so it just didn’t occur to me to think in genres. In my dreams, I pictured more being a musical star or something, singing and dancing and that kind of thing. That’s what I grew up watching, and that was my idea of what it meant to be in movies.

Once I started working more, I realized that I liked playing parts that were very physical. That’s what’s drawn me more and more into doing action—I love getting the chance to really use and move my body in my work.

On which actors of filmmakers have inspired her career:

I’ve always been inspired by those iconic early female action characters, like Sigourney Weaver as Ripley in the Alien series. I think particularly just how grounded and smart she is in those movie. I’ve done a lot of horror films, so I think I’ve taken inspiration from her in those as well. I find it to be an interesting challenge to be placed in a genre film, whether it’s action or horror, and have these crazy things happening that are out of this world or larger than life, and to make them feel very real and lived-in, and to play women who use their strength but also their intelligence to save the world. That’s always what I keep being drawn back to, and I think that’s in part because of characters like Ripley.

Mary also did a podcast interview with Bloody Disgusting‘s Boo Crew. This was another interview which I really enjoyed listening to! Click the link above to hear it in its entirety. In it, she talks about the films she’s done throughout her career, why she’ll always return to horror films once in a while, the practical effects (& studio interference of adding CGI) to 2011’s THE THING, her musical career and more.

On Final Destination 3:
“I think I was just really excited about the challenge of – I think it was one of my first horror films, if not my first horror film. So it was very exciting for me to think about entering into this storyline that was maybe far-fetched or unrealistic, and trying to make her really real and relatable. Just really believe it. So I just wanted to play her as very real… part of me looks back and goes okay, I took it really seriously, maybe more seriously than I needed to. Meanwhile, a lot of people are just watching it for the gruesome deaths, you know. But the emotional impact was very important to me, so that’s really where I was coming from. And what I was excited about.”
On working with Quentin Tarantino in 2007’s DEATH PROOF:
“[Quentin Tarantino] would tell me all the time… he’d take me aside and say, ‘I need you to know how great you are.’ I was 22 years old or something… my mind was blown, consistently. He would just build up his actors. He’s such a fan of actors. You could just feel that. And that’s an infectious feeling. When you feel that a director is loving what you’re doing, and he’s expressing that; it’s this adrenaline rush. It’s an unbelievable confidence booster, for sure.”

Filed in Gallery Updates Interviews Kate

Mary on Late Late Night with James Corden

Apologies once again for posting this so late! Last month after KATE debuted on Netflix, Mary was on the Late Late Show with James Corden. On the show, she discussed filming the movie and doing all the intense fight scenes, being a brand new mom to a 3 month old and her love for the original SCREAM film when it first came out. You can view Mary’s interview below. I already posted publicity stills and did all of Mary’s screencaps from that interview which are all in the gallery.

Late Late Show Stills

Interview screencaps

Filed in Interviews Kate

‘Kate’ Video Interviews

I apologize for not having updated the site as quickly as I should. I’ve been busy with real life things and barely had time to update with all the latest going-ons when Mary was promoting her Netflix film ‘KATE’. After its debut on the streaming service on September 10th, the film was #1 for two weeks in various countries.

That said, I have rounded up a few interviews Mary did which you can view below, some after the cut. The first one is one she did for I loved the interviewer to this one. She was completely fan-girling over Mary the entire time and I don’t blame her lol. The interview begins around the 13 mark. If I’ve missed an interview, please let me know via Twitter!


Collider Extras also had a great interview with Mary where they talked about the film, Scott Pilgrim VS the World, Sky High, doing stunt work, wanting to do more action films and much more!

Entertainment Tonight also spoke with Mary on a possible Huntress film and the 10 year anniversary of SPVTW:

Continue reading ‘Kate’ Video Interviews

Filed in Birds of Prey Interviews

Brand New ‘KATE’ Interviews

Now that we’re about two weeks away from the Netflix (and limited theatrical run) debut of Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s upcoming action film KATE, a couple of brand new interviews have been released. In the first interview with, Mary talks about what drew her to the film and if she’d ever take on the role of Huntress again. You can watch that interview by clicking the link above. (Each video interview is around 4 minutes long).

This is what she had to say:

“I’m down for anything, really,” Winstead shared with about how she’d like to see the character return. “I think Huntress is such a fun character, I don’t know if there’s any plans in the future to continue that version of Huntress, because there’s a few different versions out there, in the comic books there’s different versions, so I don’t know if that’s what’s in store. But I’m happy I got the chance to do at least one iteration of her and if that iteration continues then I’d love to be a part of it, but we’ll see what happens.”

In the following interview, Mary talked about how much she enjoyed working on such an action heavy film and that she kept her character’s shoes:

Filed in Interviews Kate

Mary Elizabeth Winstead Breaks Down the ‘KATE’ Trailer with Rolling Stone Magazine

After the trailer for Netflix’s KATE debuted yesterday (Aug. 4), Mary chatted with Rolling Stone on Twitch to discuss the film and all the intense action sequences she had to perform. Speaking with the magazine, director Cedric Nicolas-Troyan applauded Mary on the “visceral and extremely raw aspect” of her action performances since she did all her own stunts.

You can watch Mary’s interview below:


Filed in Interviews Kate Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

‘Scott Pilgrim’ Re-Release Reminder and New ‘KATE’ Update

A couple of updates in regards to projects Mary has done and will be out soon: First up, as previously mentioned back in March, Scott Pilgrim VS the World will be re-released into AMC theaters in celebration of the film’s 10th anniversary last August. It was delayed (obviously) due to the ongoing pandemic. Be sure to get your tickets using the link HERE.

In other news, we got a small update on Mary’s upcoming Netflix action film ‘KATE’ via Collider. According to producer Kelly McCormick, she says the streaming service still plans to release the film later this year and it is still being worked on to be completed. You can see her give the update in the video interview below at the 9 minute mark:

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Even More ‘Scott Pilgrim’ Photos, Album Re-Release News and Interviews

A buuuuunch of Scott Pilgrim VS the World was shared today via Edgar Wright in celebration of the film’s 10 year anniversary. Check back soon for more pics! First and foremost, he shared a ton of behind the scenes photos and videos on Twitter which you can view here, but I uploaded all the ones featuring Mary into the gallery.

Edgar also revealed that ABKCO Music & Records, Inc. will re-release both Scott Pilgrim soundtracks! Nigel Godrich’s score get its first physical release, while a special edition OST features 24 mins of unreleased songs from Beck, Sex Bob-Omb & Brie Larson’s version of ‘Black Sheep’. A release date and further details will be announced soon, so stay tuned!

Finally, Edgar shared a new article from Entertainment Weekly where the cast looked back at filming the movie. I included some highlights of Mary and her love for the film, her character Ramona Flowers and more but be sure to read the article in full because it’s written so well and has so much amazing info! He also tweeted some other articles discussing the film’s soundtrack and another interview he did with Michael and Aubrey Plaza.

Mary on what she loves about Ramona:

What I liked about Ramona is that she’s not asking for the attention, it just kind of follows her around, whatever she does. She’s the reluctant femme fatale. She’s not trying to be this cool or anything, she just sort of attracts this attention, and it’s a little bit exhausting. It was cool to get to play what I guess people would see as this Manic Pixie Dream Girl, but to me that’s not what she was trying to be at all. She was just trying to figure herself out.

On training for the role:

The training was really intense. I was training for something like six months before shooting. I started training in L.A. on my own. I was training in Wushu, and different kinds of martial arts, and rollerblading, and all these different things. It was pretty unfamiliar. I had done a little bit [of stuntwork] here and there. Like, I got to throw a punch maybe in the Die Hard films. But nothing like choreographed fight sequences. That was a totally new thing.

On working with Michael Cera:

Michael was such a sweetheart. I just remember him being this real sort of gentle soul. I think he easily bonded a lot with Alison and Mark and all the whole Sex Bob-omb crew. When they were all together, it was a real kind of comedic energy. But when it was just me and Michael it was really quiet and sweet and I appreciated him so much, because he really made me feel at ease. I’d been in a lot of stuff but I’d never really been the female lead in a big studio film, so I was pretty nervous a lot of the time, and his energy was so sweet and I appreciated him so much for that.

Filed in Interviews Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

Entertainment Weekly Celebrates the 10 Year Anniversary of Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

August 13, 2010 marks the 10 year anniversary of ‘Scott Pilgrim Vs the World‘. Directed by Edgar Wright, the movie is based on graphic novels of the same name by Bryan Lee O’Malley. To help celebrate the upcoming 10 year anniversary of the film, the cast, O’Malley and Wright spoke with Entertainment Weekly and reminisced on the film and whether or not we’ll get a sequel. Below are highlights of Mary from the interview, but you can read the entire Q&A with the cast by clicking the above link.

Mary on training for the film:

WINSTEAD: They got us together in Toronto before we started shooting. It was all of us in this giant warehouse. One of us would be doing martial arts in the corner, and somebody else would be weight-lifting in another corner, and then Michael and Alison and [Mark Webber, who played Sex Bob-omb guitarist Stephen Stills] would be doing band stuff at the same time. It was really fun.

The cast and crew on whether a sequel will happen:

CERA: I don’t think a sequel is a reality. [Laughs] In my limited understanding of the film industry, when a movie doesn’t really explode at the box office, it’s hard for anybody to get behind a sequel.

O’MALLEY: I would like to revisit the characters [in comic form] and see what they’re up to. I sketched Scott early in the pandemic with a huge beard. I think that would be a funny image.

WRIGHT: There’s some plans — and there’s nothing official yet — but there are some plans to revisit the material in an animation way. We’ve been talking with Bryan and with Jared for a while [about]: What if we did something with the books in anime form? It’s being discussed as we speak.

EVANS: The Marvel fan base is rabid, but the Scott Pilgrim fandom is just as dedicated and loyal as any fandom I’ve ever seen.

WINSTEAD: There’s something about Scott Pilgrim that’s not like anything else, and a lot of people are looking for that. They feel they’re not like anybody else or they feel their tastes don’t really line up with what is being made right now. You see that movie and you think, Oh God, this speaks to me; this is what I’ve been looking for!

SCHWARTZMAN: There’s still an email chain that started 10 years ago. The entire cast is on it. To this day, everyone still “replies all” to a lot of emails.

WRIGHT: I’m incredibly proud of the movie. The fact that you’re not doing a 10th-anniversary article about The Expendables says it all.

And in case you missed it, it was previously announced by Edgar Wright that the film will be back in theaters

Filed in Birds of Prey Gallery Updates Interviews

New ‘Birds of Prey’ Photo Shoots and Interviews

There are two brand new photo shoots I have added into the gallery that Mary did to promote her new film Birds of Prey. The first one is from Entertainment Weekly’s Around the Table, where a film cast get together and discuss their movie over a meal. You can see that photo by clicking the thumbnail below and viewing the entire video interview below:


Secondly, Mary has a new photo shoot with WhoWhatWear. Some of the photos are below and some highlights from the interview. Be sure to click the link above to read it in full:

Do you remember when you got the call to come in for this project? What was your initial reaction?

It piqued my interest because it was so female-led. Margot Robbie, the fact that she was starring in it, because I really respect her as an actress, but also the fact that she was producing, I thought was really interesting. I went and watched Cathy Yan’s first film, which I loved, so I really wanted to meet her and talk to her about it. I was really curious about Birds of Prey from the get-go, more so than I think other films in this genre, because I think I thought, Oh, you sort of know what to expect, whereas this was something new to me. I was excited to meet all these women who are strong and interesting and unique.

What was your fitness regimen preparing for this role?

You know, thankfully they didn’t put us on any particular fitness regimen other than training for the roles, which was what do you need to know in order to play this character? What do you need to be able to do? Sometimes I was on my own, sometimes I was with the other girls, but we just had a big warehouse and trained with the stunt team for several months, did a lot of jujitsu, various kinds of martial arts, a lot of drills that would sort of slowly build into choreography over time, so it was really fun. I really loved it. I love working with stunt people because I find them to be just incredible people and so supportive and sweet, and their work ethic is incredible, and obviously their talent is unimaginable. I always find it really inspiring just to be around stunt people. I feel really lucky to get the opportunity to do that.

Continue reading New ‘Birds of Prey’ Photo Shoots and Interviews
