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Latest Birds of Prey Interviews with Mary

More interviews featuring the cast of Birds of Prey are coming online each day and today, a couple more interviews have been released. Speaking to Variety, Mary discussed her time working on the soap opera Passions, how it felt to work on a set with women both in front of and behind the camera and what drew her to take on the role of Huntress. They also released a new still of Mary as her character and you can view the HQ image in the gallery. Glamour UK’s interview with them is also listed below. Additionally, you can see an interview Mary did with the rest of the cast here.

What did you know about Huntress before you signed on?

I had a vague awareness of her. Once I heard about the project and I started researching her, I found her to be a really interesting, mysterious kind of character. Then I met with Cathy and Margot. And I became more and more interested in the world that they were building — of all these really quite intriguing women.

What are some ways you feel like you’ve been treated differently as a woman in this industry?

I think it’s just the feeling that there’s an expectation that you’ll always be quiet about everything. That you’ll always be quiet about any sort of mistreatment that’s come that comes your way. There’s an expectation that the women — particularly the young women, or the women who aren’t so famous — would never speak up about it. Because our places within the industry are too fragile for us to risk that. And that expectation is changing.

How old were you when you were on “Passions”?

I was 14 years old. It was my first time coming to Los Angeles, and I ended up on the crazy soap opera. So that’s how that happened.

Were you aware of how utterly batshit it was as you were filming it?

I had no idea. As I was filming it, I certainly became more aware as the days were going on, and as the scripts were coming in. But when I signed on to it, I had no idea what I was doing. They didn’t give a scripts or anything. It was just like, “Oh, there’s a new soap opera. It’s gonna have lots of teenagers and young people. It’s going to air in the summer.” We all just went, “Great. Sounds awesome!” And it was. I mean, it was great.
