The gallery has been updated with tons of unseen outtakes from Mary and Dan the Automator’s promotional photo shoot for Got a Girl back in 2014:

The gallery has been updated with tons of unseen outtakes from Mary and Dan the Automator’s promotional photo shoot for Got a Girl back in 2014:
15 previously-unseen outtakes from the Got a Girl photoshoot with Michael Donovan have been added to the gallery! Check out the gorgeous shoot from 2014 below:
Following a review and new photos, Owl Mag has published their interview with Got A Girl following their Los Angeles concert that took place late last month. Below are some highlights from the interview, but she sure to click the link above to read it in full:
The Owl Mag: You guys have been working on these songs on-and-off since 2010. The five dates on this tour are your first live appearances. What’s it like getting to play these songs live after having worked on them for so long?
Dan The Automator Nakamura: Everything’s been really incredible. Anything’s gonna have a little bump here and there, but it’s all worked really well. Mary’s an amazing frontperson with charisma. The show just speaks for itself, in terms of the reaction of the fans, which is actually the true judgement. I think it’s been going very well.
Winstead: Yeah, we’ve gotten good reactions so far, which has been great, because this is something totally new for me. I’ve never performed like this in any capacity until a week ago when we first started these shows. It’s a big relief for me to feel like it’s going as well as it has. It’s kind of a good thing, in a way, that it’s taken this long. We would have loved to have done shows three years ago, but since we were both doing other stuff, it didn’t happen. I know my confidence has grown a lot since I was 25, when we were first working on these songs.
TOM: Mary, you’re well known for your acting. Since acting is also a creative endeavor, is there a different energy that goes into writing and performing these songs? Or does it all come from the same creative place?
Winstead: It’s interesting. Part of what made it easier for me jumping into this rather than another musical endeavor, is that I feel like Dan’s music is really cinematic and visual. Any time he would send me a track to start writing to, I would see images of movies, I would feel that kind of vibe. The characters that came out of this felt like a role that I really wanted to play that was part me, part an embellishment of me. Those are the kinds of roles I tend to veer towards, anyway, so that was kind of perfect.
TOM: On your record, you guys are influenced by ‘60s pop, music that’s older than you are. Have you guys been listening to this music since you were younger?
Winstead: I’ve listened to ‘60s music since I was a kid. I’ve been a ‘60s fan in general. About a year before I met Dan, I started going down the ‘60s French Pop rabbit hole, specifically. It was fortuitous that we met and he had this idea to do something French Pop-inspired, and I was at the time really into that genre of music. I hadn’t really discovered it until I was in my early 20s or so. I definitely became really into it at that point. It was one of those weird coincidental moments.
TOM: What’s next for Got A Girl? Will there be more shows? More new music?
Nakamura: We’re both in businesses where we’re both very busy. I really enjoy working with Mary. If it makes sense, we’ll do more.
Winstead: it’s all about timing. We both have a lot of fun doing this project. It tooks us five years to get here, so you never know what’s gonna happen.
Nakamura: I feel like, in spirit, we’ll continue to do shows, and make more music. it just has to fall into place.
Winstead: Yeah.
Mary (and her band) ended their tour this past week, and The Owl Mag was there and gave them a great review. Here’s what they had to say:
After years of on-and-off collaboration, Got A Girl, the duo of producer Dan The Automator Nakamura and actress/vocalist Mary Elizabeth Winstead, hit the road in support of their debut LP, I Love You But I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now. They ended their week-long tour with a sold out show at LA’s intimate Largo at the Coronet.
Winstead is a powerful vocalist, able to fill the venue with the sultry lows of “I’ll Never Hold You Back” and the angelic highs of “Everywhere I Go.” Winstead was captivating, laying down vintage dance moves during instrumental breaks.
Decked out in vintage clothes, and with a hint of danger about them, Got A Girl oozed cool. Winstead and Nakamura have such a natural chemistry onstage, we hope they decide to continue this project and play more live dates.
You can read the full review by clicking on the link I provided above, and be sure to head to the gallery to check out some new photos of Mary singing on stage!
In case you don’t have the chance to see Mary singing live on stage or just want to see your favorite song all over again, OneFooFighter has uploaded all of Mary’s performance from Saturday night onto his page. I’ve embedded my three favorite songs she sang but you can visit the page I linked above and check out the full set of songs.
Mary was amazing! This must’ve been so fun and incredible watching it in person. 🙂 She was fantastic and charming as always. Great job to her and the rest of her band.
Mary had a busy weekend this past Friday and Saturday performing two nights back to back at Joe’s Pub in New York City. You can head to the gallery to check out some fan photos and see some videos after the cut.
I’ve added new photos of Mary’s first performance at The Great American Music Hall via Niffer Calderwood and Darren Samuelson. As always, click the links to check out the full sets. Stay tuned to see pics of Mary’s two night performance in NYC at Joe’s Pub!
Great American Music Hall (9/22)
AvidBlogs caught up with hip-hop producer Dan the Automator to talk Got A Girl, the band he created with Mary. Check out some highlights below and head to the gallery to check out the pics. They’ll be performing at Joe’s Pub in NYC tonight, tomorrow and then in Los Angeles. If you want to buy tickets for the NY performance, click HERE. Los Angeles–click HERE.
Anthony Gordon: How did you end up working with Mary?
Dan: In 2008, Radiohead was playing the Outside Lands festival here in San Francisco and [Radiohead guitarist] Ed [O’Brien] called me up to have dinner with him and Nigel Godrich and a bunch of other people. We were hanging out and these guys I hadn’t met before, Edgar Wright and Bryan Lee O’Malley, and Edgar asked me to do some music for a film they were making called Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and I was like “Yes! Of course!” Mary, who was starring in the movie, was at the dinner as well. She told me she was a fan and wanted to do some music together. We stayed in touch and a year or two later we were like “you know what? We should just try something and see what happens.” It ended up being cool and we had good chemistry together so we kept making songs and just took it from there.
AG: How did you two go about making this record? What’s your songwriting process like?
Dan: I make the music, and sometimes I’d send her tracks here and there, but mostly we’d sit together in the studio and she’d come up with melodies and we’d work out lyrics together.
AG: What are your plans for touring with the record now?
Dan: We just did two shows on the West Coast, then we have a few more coming up in New York and LA. I’m feeling pretty good about it. The band is well rehearsed and the shows have been going well. Right now we’re just dipping our feet into the water to show people we can play live.
The second stop on Mary’s tour with her band was San Fransisco last night at The Great American Music Hall. You can see all the fan videos of Mary’s performances below and a few pics in the gallery and as always, if you want them removed, feel free to contact me on Twitter.
Mary kicked off the first night of her mini tour in Seattle, WA. Mary and Dan the Automator, who together form Got A Girl, sang at The Triple Door and people who attended the event loved the concert. Head to the gallery to check out fan photos (all with credits), as well as fan videos. Tonight, she will continue to perform and make her next stop at The Great American Music Hall in San Francisco.
(Note: If you don’t want your videos/photos on here, please contact me on Twitter @marywinsteadnet to let me know and I’ll take them down).