Simply gorgeous and absolutely stunning! Check out these amazing photos looking all high fashion and glam in the latest issue of Filler magazine! Cannot get over the looks she’s done & her puppy Ambrosius makes her modelling debut! See all the pics in the gallery which include scans & outtakes!
Filler Outtakes:

Also, here’s some of the interview. Full interview can be read at the link posted.
I imagine it must be difficult for any actor to star in a remake or prequel of a popular film, but especially so in the “horror” genre where the fans are so passionate about the genre and its cult classics. Did you feel the weight of fans’ expectations on your shoulders while working on The Thing?
As a fan of the Carpenter version myself, I was actually hesitant to take this on because I absolutely did not want to tarnish the legacy of that film in any way. So I completely understand how many fans feel. What drew me to this was the intelligence of the script and the role, as well as the passion of everyone involved. I really got the sense that the filmmakers wanted to respectful and make something great. And I feel that’s exactly what they’ve done. They made something that can appeal to fans of the ’82 film, but also bring something new and excited to a generation who may never have otherwise heard of it.
Your character, Kate Lloyd, is very different from those we know from Carpenter’s film — you might even say she’s unique to the horror genre itself, would you agree?
When I read the script, I was so please with the way the lead female role had been handled. She wasn’t a tough masculine tomboy, she wasn’t somebody’s love interest — she was an intelligent and strong, but in a very realistic way.
Must have invigorating to play that kind of role?
I was so happy to play an action heroine who didn’t have superpowers, who wasn’t perfect looking, who wasn’t in spandex or a ripped tank top — just a woman put in a dire situation trying to find the strength to make it to the next day. It was my hope to put a character on screen who was just a real woman, and one that both men and women could root for and respect.