Filed in Interviews Kate

Recent “KATE” Interviews

After posting some of the more recent video interviews Mary did to promote Netflix’s “KATE”, below are some of the interviews she did with several outlets. The first one is with GQ. As always, click the links to read the FULL interviews:

You’ve worked with Bruce Willis, Kurt Russell, and Will Smith, who are all in the American Action Hero Mt. Rushmore. I’ve heard people talk about the American action star being extinct, but I think it’s because people haven’t realized that the American action star is a woman now. What’s gained when the lead in an action film is a woman?

You know, that’s an interesting idea. It does feel like that right now, like there is a heavy presence of women leading action films, which is amazing, considering that that was never the case before.

After years and years and years of wanting to be the Bruce Willis — rather than Bruce Willis’s daughter, as much as I loved that — and it feels like that’s now within reach. Ten years ago, it didn’t feel like it was. I don’t know how true that statement is going to be in the long run. But my hope is that you’re right. I’m game for it.
You’ve carved out an impressive niche in action and horror genre films, but is there any part of you that wants to take an Oscars swing?

I mean, anytime people love what you do enough to give you some sort of accolade is amazing, but I hate the idea of calculating it that way. Like, I would never think of something as, ‘Oh, this is my chance to try to get an award.’ If I got the chance to work with a renowned filmmaker who makes films of that caliber, that would be incredibly exciting. But I mean, if not, then cool. I’m okay either way.

Mary also participated in a roundtable event with Men’s Health that featured Karen Gillian and Shang-Chi’s Meng’er Zhang.
Mary on if she ever thought she’d be working on action after shooting films such as BIRDS OF PREY and KATE:

I initially just wanted to be an actor, and I don’t think that the question of what genre of film I wanted to go into ever really played in my mind. I started as a kid, so it just didn’t occur to me to think in genres. In my dreams, I pictured more being a musical star or something, singing and dancing and that kind of thing. That’s what I grew up watching, and that was my idea of what it meant to be in movies.

Once I started working more, I realized that I liked playing parts that were very physical. That’s what’s drawn me more and more into doing action—I love getting the chance to really use and move my body in my work.

On which actors of filmmakers have inspired her career:

I’ve always been inspired by those iconic early female action characters, like Sigourney Weaver as Ripley in the Alien series. I think particularly just how grounded and smart she is in those movie. I’ve done a lot of horror films, so I think I’ve taken inspiration from her in those as well. I find it to be an interesting challenge to be placed in a genre film, whether it’s action or horror, and have these crazy things happening that are out of this world or larger than life, and to make them feel very real and lived-in, and to play women who use their strength but also their intelligence to save the world. That’s always what I keep being drawn back to, and I think that’s in part because of characters like Ripley.

Mary also did a podcast interview with Bloody Disgusting‘s Boo Crew. This was another interview which I really enjoyed listening to! Click the link above to hear it in its entirety. In it, she talks about the films she’s done throughout her career, why she’ll always return to horror films once in a while, the practical effects (& studio interference of adding CGI) to 2011’s THE THING, her musical career and more.

On Final Destination 3:
“I think I was just really excited about the challenge of – I think it was one of my first horror films, if not my first horror film. So it was very exciting for me to think about entering into this storyline that was maybe far-fetched or unrealistic, and trying to make her really real and relatable. Just really believe it. So I just wanted to play her as very real… part of me looks back and goes okay, I took it really seriously, maybe more seriously than I needed to. Meanwhile, a lot of people are just watching it for the gruesome deaths, you know. But the emotional impact was very important to me, so that’s really where I was coming from. And what I was excited about.”
On working with Quentin Tarantino in 2007’s DEATH PROOF:
“[Quentin Tarantino] would tell me all the time… he’d take me aside and say, ‘I need you to know how great you are.’ I was 22 years old or something… my mind was blown, consistently. He would just build up his actors. He’s such a fan of actors. You could just feel that. And that’s an infectious feeling. When you feel that a director is loving what you’re doing, and he’s expressing that; it’s this adrenaline rush. It’s an unbelievable confidence booster, for sure.”

Filed in Gallery Updates Interviews Kate

Mary on Late Late Night with James Corden

Apologies once again for posting this so late! Last month after KATE debuted on Netflix, Mary was on the Late Late Show with James Corden. On the show, she discussed filming the movie and doing all the intense fight scenes, being a brand new mom to a 3 month old and her love for the original SCREAM film when it first came out. You can view Mary’s interview below. I already posted publicity stills and did all of Mary’s screencaps from that interview which are all in the gallery.

Late Late Show Stills

Interview screencaps

Filed in Kate Movies

Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s Kate Film Getting Video Game Treatment

In some exciting news, it was recently announced that Mary’s newest film KATE will be having a tie-in video game!
Titled KATE: COLLATERAL DAMAGE, the game will be available on Steam beginning October 22 for Windows PC. The game’s description is as follows:

You are Kate, a deadly assassin on a quest for revenge against the Yakuza crime boss that lethally poisoned you. Battle your way through the Tokyo criminal underground in this time-attack, action roguelike.

The Steam link can be found here.

Filed in Interviews Kate

‘Kate’ Video Interviews

I apologize for not having updated the site as quickly as I should. I’ve been busy with real life things and barely had time to update with all the latest going-ons when Mary was promoting her Netflix film ‘KATE’. After its debut on the streaming service on September 10th, the film was #1 for two weeks in various countries.

That said, I have rounded up a few interviews Mary did which you can view below, some after the cut. The first one is one she did for I loved the interviewer to this one. She was completely fan-girling over Mary the entire time and I don’t blame her lol. The interview begins around the 13 mark. If I’ve missed an interview, please let me know via Twitter!


Collider Extras also had a great interview with Mary where they talked about the film, Scott Pilgrim VS the World, Sky High, doing stunt work, wanting to do more action films and much more!

Entertainment Tonight also spoke with Mary on a possible Huntress film and the 10 year anniversary of SPVTW:

Continue reading ‘Kate’ Video Interviews

Filed in Gallery Updates

Mary Spotted in Virginia with Ewan

Mary Elizabeth Winstead is currently in town over in Virginia as her boyfriend Ewan McGregor films his new movie, “Raymond and Ray”. The pair were spotted dining at The Lilly Pad, a riverside restaurant off Route 5 in Varina. The couple was there along with their newborn baby and an older child according to WVTR.

According to Lilly Pad owner Max Walraven, “Ewan [Winstead, and the kids] came for dinner, [they] were absolutely so nice and you could tell they were genuinely happy and fun people. He offered to take a photo with staff as well.”

I have added the photos into the gallery. They look so adorable together! Happy to see them again.


Filed in Gallery Updates

Mary Attends the 2021 Emmys!

Last night in Los Angeles, Mary attended the 73rd Primetime Emmy Awards to support her boyfriend/fellow co-star Ewan McGregor for his work in Netflix’s Halston. He won the award for lead actor in a limited series. At the event, Mary sat with WandaVision stars Elizabeth Olsen and Kathryn Hahn. Mary and Ewan also greeted their Birds of Prey co-star Jurnee Smollett on the red carpet.

Ewan also gave a special shoutout to Mary during his acceptance speech towards the end (2:43 mark) which you can view below. Be sure to head to the gallery to view all the photos of Mary. She looked absolutely stunning!!

Filed in Birds of Prey Interviews

Brand New ‘KATE’ Interviews

Now that we’re about two weeks away from the Netflix (and limited theatrical run) debut of Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s upcoming action film KATE, a couple of brand new interviews have been released. In the first interview with, Mary talks about what drew her to the film and if she’d ever take on the role of Huntress again. You can watch that interview by clicking the link above. (Each video interview is around 4 minutes long).

This is what she had to say:

“I’m down for anything, really,” Winstead shared with about how she’d like to see the character return. “I think Huntress is such a fun character, I don’t know if there’s any plans in the future to continue that version of Huntress, because there’s a few different versions out there, in the comic books there’s different versions, so I don’t know if that’s what’s in store. But I’m happy I got the chance to do at least one iteration of her and if that iteration continues then I’d love to be a part of it, but we’ll see what happens.”

In the following interview, Mary talked about how much she enjoyed working on such an action heavy film and that she kept her character’s shoes:

Filed in Kate Movies

New ‘KATE’ Clips and Behind the Scenes Footage

Three brand new clips from Mary’s upcoming action film have been released and you can view them all below! Hitting select theaters and Netflix on September 10, the movie is about a female assassin who has 24 hours to get vengeance on her murderer before she dies after being poisoned.

Filed in Gallery Updates Kate

Mary Begins ‘KATE’ Promotional Tour

On Monday, we were given a sneak peek of Mary beginning her promotional work for her upcoming Netflix film, ‘KATE’ which will debut on September 10. The photos come courtesy of her makeup artist Adam Breuchaud and hair stylist Rena Calhoun on instagram. I added the photos to the gallery & Mary looks SO stunning in both pics! I have no doubt the photos will likely be for a photo shoot somewhere and I can’t wait to see how the photos come out so be on the lookout for those! A bunch of new content should be coming soon.

And in case you missed the trailer, you can view it below.

Filed in Interviews Kate

Mary Elizabeth Winstead Breaks Down the ‘KATE’ Trailer with Rolling Stone Magazine

After the trailer for Netflix’s KATE debuted yesterday (Aug. 4), Mary chatted with Rolling Stone on Twitch to discuss the film and all the intense action sequences she had to perform. Speaking with the magazine, director Cedric Nicolas-Troyan applauded Mary on the “visceral and extremely raw aspect” of her action performances since she did all her own stunts.

You can watch Mary’s interview below:

