Several positive reviews for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter have come online in anticipation for this weekend’s release. Here’s a couple of them. Of course, to read the full reviews, just click on any of the links.First up, The Playlist‘s review:
“Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter” is a proudly B movie, and as such sometimes favors empty spectacle over genuine cleverness. Sometimes you’ll wish the story delved slightly deeper into history, to make it resonate even more, and the ending of the movie, altered drastically from the novel (and not for the better), errs on the side of convention when it could have been slightly bolder. But these are minor quibbles with a picture that is surprisingly solid, a genuine treat in a summer filled with manufactured spectacle. The beautiful cinematography by Caleb Deschanel owes a considerable debt to the “pinhole” style that Roger Deakins used for “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford,” giving the center of the frame the most important spot and then slightly blurring the outer edge, like an old western photograph, a bold stylistic choice for a movie this expensive (and, it turns out, the right choice). Bekmambetov, Burton, and Grahame-Smith have created the rare historical-based fantasy that seems authentic enough to snuggle next to the real thing, anchored by the heartfelt and dynamic performance of Walker as Lincoln. His Honest Abe not only speaks with the eloquence and conviction we’ve come to understand from the history books, he fights with it too. [B+]
From Roger Ebert, who gave it 3/5 stars:
“Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” is without a doubt the best film we are ever likely to see on the subject — unless there is a sequel, which is unlikely, because at the end, the Lincolns are on their way to the theater. (You know what happens then.) It’s also a more entertaining movie than I remotely expected. What it achieves is a surprisingly good job of doing justice to its title, and treating Lincoln with as much gravity as we can expect, under the circumstances.
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