With Mercy Street debuting in less than a month, PBS has uploaded new character posters and some info on the new characters we’ll be introduced to. Here’s what Mary had to say about her character Nurse Mary Phinney:
Mary walks into a world that is much more chaotic and messy and wild than what she was anticipating, so it is kind of a whirlwind for her when she first gets there and sees how things really work. She’s a little bit set in her ways, a little bit uptight.
I think she believes that her way of thinking is the only possible and right way, and she is forced to open her eyes to a lot of different points of view and a lot of different types of people, and also to let go a little bit of her past and her own experiences and accept this new world she is in.
Head to the site to read the full character bio and be sure to head to the gallery to view the new character poster!

Mercy Street debuts on PBS January 17 at 10pm/9c.