Into the Gloss did an interview with Mary where she talks about her hair, makeup and skincare routines. Be sure to click the link above to read the full interview and head to the gallery to see the new pics! Below is an excerpt from her interview:

“There are not a lot of things that I can say I stick to for a long time. I really like to try new things. I mean there are certain things, especially with skincare, where if it works, you stick with it. But when it comes to makeup, it’s like toys or something. I love peeking at makeup artists’ bags and seeing what they’re using on me, and I always ask a billion questions about what their new favorite products are. There’s this never-ending curiosity about what’s out there and I find it really fun.
I definitely have been doing this job long enough that I’ve seen things change in terms of the red carpet and how much pressure there is there to look perfect. I just think it’s so much more fun to try new things and be creative because perfection is boring. It’s fun to do my own hair and makeup for the red carpet—if there’s time, I like to just stand in the bathroom and turn music on and light candles and go through all the steps of my routine. It’s sort of therapeutic. And I also feel accomplished if I look at the photo the next day and I like it. It’s nice to be in control of how I look.”