Filed in Gallery Updates Interviews Kill the Messenger

Mary is Wind Swept in Rhapsody Magazine

Mary looks absolutely lovely in the latest issue of Rhapsody Magazine. In her interview, Mary discusses how she landed the part of Anna Simons in Kill the Messenger (Renner and director Michael Cuesta saw her work in Smashed and reached out to her), and how being known as a scream queen was “something that sort of happened”. You can read the rest of her interview and check out her stunning photo in the gallery.

Filed in Gallery Updates Got A Girl Music/News Interviews

Mary Looking Beautiful in Bello Mag

Mary is looking as lovely as ever in the latest issue of Bello Mag. In the article, Mary talks about her love for French pop and how it influenced her album and how she came to work with Dan the Automator. Also, she talks about how after one episode of watching the French version of The Returned (Les Revenants), she became “hooked after one episode” (She’s starring in the A&E remake for 2015).

Be sure to read the full interview and check out the pics in the gallery.

Filed in Gallery Updates Interviews Kill the Messenger Movies The Hollars

New Kill the Messenger Caps and Interview/Photo Shoot

Mary is absolutely stunning in the latest issue of Institute Magazine. In the interview, Mary talks about her new films, Kill the Messenger and The Hollars, which actor has influenced her the most, and more. You can read the full interview here, along with some highlights below. And be sure to check out the gallery for the amazing new pictures!

Additionally, Yahoo! Movies debuted a new clip yesterday from Kill the Messenger, which you can now view below. The film will hit theaters on October 10th. I’ve also added caps of Mary into the gallery. You can view the full set by clicking on the thumbnails.

Institute: What drew you to the part of Anna Simons? Institute: How was it working alongside Jeremy Renner?

Mary Elizabeth Winstead: I was very excited to play Anna, as she’s the editor of the paper and quite an authoritative figure. And yet, she is still young and relatively inexperienced and not perfect. She’s smart and strong, but also fallible. She gets in a little over her head when the story breaks and her relationship with Gary becomes strained. It was great to get to play out this friendship/working relationship with Jeremy onscreen. He’s such an incredible actor and it was so easy to feel so many things for him in any given scene. Gary can be very frustrating for Anna at times, but what she sees him go through is ultimately heartbreaking.

Institute: You have worked alongside some incredible talent, who has been the most influential?

Mary Elizabeth Winstead: It was great to watch Jeremy work- he’s such a free and instinctual actor. You never know what choices he’s going to make from scene to scene and that’s always really exciting and invigorating to act alongside. I’ve been lucky to work with a lot of actors who inspire me in so many ways.

Institute: What has been a stand-out out moment in your career so far?

Mary Elizabeth Winstead: I’ve had a few that have felt like personal milestones for me, but I think the film that still stands out for people is Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World. I feel proud to be known as “Ramona Flowers” to the fans of that film. It’s gained quite a cult following over the past few years and I really hope it continues to grow. I’d be more than happy if that turns out to be the project I’m remembered for because it’s just such a great and completely unique film.

Filed in Interviews Kill the Messenger

Mary to Appear on the Today Show to Discuss Kill the Messenger

As the title reads, Mary will be making an appearance on the Today Show to talk about her new film Kill the Messenger. She will be on the show Friday October 10 between the 9-10am hour. Mark your calenders and set those DVRs people!

KTM will hit theaters October 10th. And as always, be sure to come back to check out the interview once it’s gone online! 🙂

Filed in Faults Film Reviews Got A Girl Music/News Interviews

New Faults Review and Interview with Mary

First up, Mary spoke with the Belfast Telegraph where she says she was cautious about approaching a singing career. She explains she’d been approached about singing before, but nothing ever “struck me as a good idea, because it was just uninteresting pop that tried to cash in on whatever name value I might have as an actor. That’s not something I ever wanted to do,” she said.

Mary added: “Once I hooked up with Dan, I didn’t have any fears.

“I admired him so much musically, that working with him was great. And it was such a good opportunity for me personally, just as a fan of his, that I would never worry about what anyone else would think. You get people who are actors slash models slash singers slash whatever, just because it gets their name out there some more,” Winstead mused. “I’m not interested in that at all.”

Next, Way Too Indie gave Faults a 9/10 score:

Its premiere at SXSW earlier in the year started off the buzz (with our very own Dustin loving it to bits,) but Faults massively blinked on my radar when it was announced for Montreal’s genre festival Fantasia simply because I’ve become a bona fide Winstead fan, after her stunning performance in 2012’s Smashed. The streak continues here; she peels off Claire’s layers with agility and complete composure to reveal a fascinating and devilishly twisted character.

Complex meanwhile also loved the film:

Faults has the feel of a cinematic stage play, one in which Orser and Winstead get it on in an unpredictable battle of wits. First-time writer-director Riley Stearns tightly volleys around from laughs to creepiness, with a constant sense of mystery and subtle dread giving way to a well-earned surprise ending.

Be sure to click on any of the above links to read the reviews in full!

Filed in Faults Gallery Updates Got A Girl Music/News Interviews The Returned

Pret-A-Porter Interviews Mary About Fashion

Pret-A-Porter caught up with Mary Elizabeth Winstead to talk about her new album, fashion and style. Check out some of the highlights below and then head to the gallery to check out the great, new pics!

We also see that you’ll be starring in the film Faults. How was working on that?

My husband (director Riley Stearns) and I worked on that film together. I’m so proud of it. He wrote and directed it. I’m in it and produced it as well. It was such a blast to make. We just know each other so well that it was so easy. He’s very, very specific in what he wants, which can be frustrating, sometimes, with directors who are specific and if you don’t understand their vision, that can be hard to get there, but because I know him so well, it was so exciting to know exactly what he had in his head and to execute that. It was really fun to go through that process together.

Sounds like you’re very much into vintage. How would you describe your personal style?

I’ve always been pretty feminine and retro. As I’m getting older, I’m starting to add a lot more elements of menswear and comfort, which maybe just a part of getting older. (Laughs.) I think on one hand, I’m starting to like to look a little more powerful so I like a lot of blazers and boots — things that I didn’t used to wear that I’m starting to venture toward like high-waist pants and suits. For a while there, I had nothing but dresses. I didn’t have any shirts or pants. It was just a closet full of ’50s to ’60s  silhouette dresses. I’ve always been a dress girl, and I think part of it has a lot to do with my body shape, which is suited for dresses that are fitted on the waist and then A-lined out so I’ve always been drawn to that because it’s flattering and I’ve always been more drawn to vintage styles. I’m beginning to own my figure more and I don’t mind myself in pants. I used to be like, ‘I don’t want to show my hips and butt.’ I was so self-conscious, but now I’m like whatever. I’ll even do pajama pants sometimes because you know, they’re not always so flattering, but it’s comfortable and cool.

What’s been your biggest summer splurge lately?

I am working in Vancouver right now and there’s a store called Gravity Pope. I’m working there for four months and I’m planning on going there once a month to splurge on something because it’s this amazing store that has all the best stuff. I got these great Rag & Bone boots there. I’ve been wanting them for a long time, so I was just, like, ‘I’m going to do it.’

How long will you be in Vancouver for and what’s the project you’re working on?

I’ll be shooting there until the beginning of October. It’s called The Return. It’s a 10-episode series from A&E that’s based on a French show. It’s kind of dark, moody and mysterious. It’s about a small town where all these people who have died there start coming back for no reason. They’re not ghosts, zombies or anything. They’re just there and nobody knows why. It’s about their relationships and the consequences of them coming back where they’re not supposed to come back. It’s a lot of good drama.

Filed in Got A Girl Music/News Interviews

New Got A Girl Interviews

Now that I Love You But I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now is out, new interviews have been released. First is an interview Mary did with Lucky Magazine. Aside from discussing Got A Girl, Mary also talks about her favorite fashion brands, style influences and what’s next for her. You can read it in full by clicking the link.


Lucky: How did you first meet Dan the Automator and how did you start working together?

Mary Elizabeth Winstead: I had been a fan of Dan for a long time, since like my late teens. I was really obsessed with his album Lovage, this project he did with Jennifer Charles and Mike Patton. When he said that we should try to do something together, I was just in shock because nobody cool like that had made an offer to work with me musically, so I was pretty excited and I didn’t know if he was serious or not. And it just slowly progressed. He lives in San Francisco and I live in L.A. so it was just emailing back and forth. He eventually sent me a track and said, “Try to write something to this—and if it’s good maybe we’ll record it, and if it’s not good maybe we’ll scrap it and move on.” It ended up being “Did We Live Too Fast.” So we recorded that and just sort of slowly turned it into an album over the course of a couple years. We got together every couple months and did a song, and it just kind of worked itself out.

How did you and Dan choose the name Got a Girl?

We were really just spitballing — that’s kind of how a lot of things in this project came together, us sitting in a room shouting things out. We were stuck on a name and were walking around San Francisco going into different book stores and art museums and things and trying to get inspiration. Dan said it at some point, like, “I got a girl, got a girl,” and we both just started saying it over and over agin. There’s something really snappy and catchy about it. That’s what we were looking for, something that had that kind of energy to it and just clicked. It’s the same with the album title [I Love You But I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now]. We just said it as a joke one day and we kept saying it, and kept saying it, and it just stuck.

The sound of the album and the visual components have a very ‘60s, Mad Men, Bond girl kind of feel to them. Where did that come from?

I guess we really lucked out in the sense that Dan and I have such similar sensibilities, in terms of music and film. So we really didn’t have to talk about it too much more when Dan said he was interested in exploring a kind of French-girl vibe. I was like, “I’m there,” because I love New Wave film, and I love ‘60s music, particularly French pop. So it was really easy for us to connect. It just felt really natural.

Fast Co-Create interview:

On how they began collaborating:

“I would bring a track to her, and she would work on it, and then I’d look at what she was doing and help her flesh it out a bit,” Nakamura says. “We would do that a few times, then we figured out that we were kind of good at it, so we would block out more time. We started doing one day here or one day there, and then we were like, ‘Let’s do a week here or a week there.’ We just started tearing it apart and really making it right.”

How they decided to go with a ’60s feel for the band:

“We were trying to get something that got the vibe,” he recalls. “And we were hanging out at City Lights Bookstore, looking at inspirational stuff, and everything didn’t seem right–and then I just caught something. It just popped into my head and it was like, ‘This is what we’re going to do,’ and she was like, ‘This is what we’re going to do.’ Instinctively, we go there. We disagree about stuff when we know they’re not right. We know this was right.”

Winstead name-checks ’60s European pop-culture icons like Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin when talking about the inspirations for the album.






Filed in Got A Girl Music/News Interviews

New Got A Girl Interview

The Debrief UK interviewed Mary for on her upcoming album set to hit stores this Tuesday! In the UK, it’ll be out this Monday, July 21. Check out some of the highlights below:

Can you explain who Dan is in case people aren’t familiar?
Dan has been a force in the music world for a while now.  He’s a prolific hip hop producer, but has branched out to almost every genre.  I knew him best projects like Gorillaz, Handsome Boy Modeling School, and Lovage.  Lovage’s Music To Make Love To Your Old Lady By is one of my favorite albums.

And how would you guys describe your music?
I think we’re romantic in the Classic sense of the word.  A little ye-ye girl, a little trip hop, a mix sweetness and melancholy.

What’s with the whole festish for women with three eyes in the Did We Live Too Fast video?
The whole concept came from our director, Hope Larson.  As soon as she pitched it I knew it was perfect, and started talking about old Twilight Zone episodes and french new wave films as we went along.  And it just came together in a perfectly odd way.

The whole 60s styling is SO gorgeous. Did you pick the looks and aesthetics yourself?
Thank you!  Yes, I mostly wear clothes from my own closet for our Got a Girl endeavours.  It’s fun to get to indulge in my love for everything vintage.  I started veering away from it, but this has given me an excuse to dive back in and I love it.

Filed in Gallery Updates Got A Girl Music/News Interviews

New Got A Girl Interview

Hunger TV interviewed Mary about her debut album I Love You But I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now which will be released on July 22. Check out some highlights from the interview below and click on the link to read the full interview. I also added a higher quality pic of Mary and Dan which you can see in the gallery:


I had been a fan of Dan’s for several years, so I was a bit intimidated. I was completely obsessed with Lovage and had been a follower of all his projects. We were at a group dinner, and didn’t say anything until we were all leaving, at which point I walked up and told him I was a big fan, and whisked myself away. We didn’t see each other again until a year later at the film’s premiere. That’s when Dan approached me about potentially working together, which I was certainly not expecting.


Thank you! It started as a joke between Dan and I. We were writing a song and laughing about how melancholy the lyrics were, and sort of making fun of ourselves. So that became a joke about the album and that just stuck. And I’m glad, I love it.


The way we made this album was so low pressure, so low key. We never really had a plan of how we were going to release it or if we were even going to release it! I always trusted that Dan would only keep going if he felt the music was good, and that really calmed any fears I had previously about how I would be perceived. If we like it, that’s what matters. And hopefully other people will as well.


Yes! Dan and I see this project as a bit of a meeting of the minds between the two of us. Bringing all of our likes and interests together. So we’ve worked with some really interesting people to create some small batch, hand made products. We’re sort of holding up this lifestyle but also taking the piss out of it.  It’s sort of ridiculous for us to have our own olive oil, but that’s what’s fun about it.
